Embracing the New Seasons

With a new school year comes a new season, and not just the fall, as exciting as everything it brings may be. A new school year is just as much of a new beginning as a new calendar year and comes with just as many changes if not more.  I know for me personally this new year has come with so many changes both exciting and scary.

As humans we enjoy routines, we enjoy patterns, and we enjoy sameness. We don’t like when our world is thrown for a loop because we feel out of control. But isn’t it funny how the loops we are thrown are the very things we have been wanting and praying for in our seasons of sowing. We spend months preparing and expecting, and it all comes and we freeze. Do we really deserve to finally have that thing or that job or that internship or that opportunity that our heart has been preparing for?

“Isn’t it funny how the loops we are thrown are the very things we have been wanting and praying for”

The answer is yes my friend; you deserve to live to your full potential in who Christ created you to be. You are worthy of the blessings He has given you and He has only given them to you because He trusts you to do His work.

WOW. I wish I had come to that realization these past couple weeks as I am walking into this new season of my life. The Lord can’t grow us if we are always in our comfort zone. I became comfortable just desiring what the Lord’s plans are for me and I forgot that He gave me the authority to walk in everything He created me to be. I am worthy to be on this journey and embrace every new challenge and blessing He has given me. I don’t have to shy away from them or be intimidated.

It is such a gift that we are able to do God’s work with Him. He didn’t have to trust us but He does; knowing that we are going to screw up sometimes and that we aren’t perfect. He just wants willing and faithful people. He will guide us and equip us if we take that step out in faith.

New beginnings are difficult but exciting because with change comes growth, and restoration, and everything that is so sweet about when the seasons change. So be on the lookout for that first yellow and first orange leaf in your life this new school year. Be expecting that first snowfall in your life and get your gloves on because from a few flakes you can build a beautiful snowman.

Let’s get after it this year ya’ll!


One thought on “Embracing the New Seasons

  1. Im honestly really suprised you went that college major route I always figured in high school youd do a science to be the APRN you wanted to be! But thats great you found your passion. You’re just so smart I figured you could do anything. I’m a science major and its like 12 hrs studying every day lol, cant believe i’m still on that path without you! good luck with wedding planning❤️! was it hard to switch and what made you switch? science is too much work I feel u sis


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